A lot of guys like to define themselves by their failures. A lot of guys like to define themselves based on what they’re missing. This is really a pathetic way to live. It really is. It’s the mark of omega malehood.
You’ve heard of alpha malehood, well, this is omega malehood. If you study the Greek alphabet, it starts with alpha and it ends with omega. If you’re thinking that your last failure defines you or somehow denigrates your manhood or makes you less of a person, then you are an omega man. Seriously.
I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you’re being a punk bitch. You are looking at life as your master. You are looking at everybody else as better than you and, guess what? You find yourself on the floor begging for crumbs.
That is no way to live. Get the fuck up. Man up. If you’re having a tough time, be more responsible. Put in the work. Work hard. Do whatever it takes to get over it and you will end up with all the girls looking for sex on http://www.freelocalsex.net
It’s not like you have no resources. Even if you’re broke, there are all sorts of free libraries in the United States that give you internet access. Once you’re on the internet, you will get the resources you need. Research that shit.
If you’re having a tough time with your self-esteem, research that shit. Identify the negative trauma in your past plus the negative narratives you have of yourself. Destroy that shit and replace it with a new narrative.
Let’s put it this way, you can buy two computers that are completely identical in terms of hardware, but in one computer, you program to process only spreadsheets, and the other, you program only to play games. One computer is obviously going to be a game computer and the other computer would obviously be a spreadsheet computer, but they are the exact same computer.
Believe it or not, the guy who pulls in pussy all day, every day, is exactly like you. The only difference is his programming. So stop programming yourself like a little bitch. Be a man.